If your child is ill, they are to be kept home for the day. If they become ill at school, you will be notified and expected to pick them up within 30 minutes. If your child has or had a communicable disease, please let us know when symptoms began and what they were so that we may watch for symptoms in other children and notify the other parents (no names will be used) if needed. The child may return to care when they are symptom free for 24 hours or the child has a Dr. note stating they may return to care.
If a child is injured or becomes ill during care, the staff will take whatever steps are necessary to obtain emergency medical care. These steps may include but are not limited to the following: attempt to contact the parent or guardian, attempt to contact any of the persons listed on the enrollment paperwork, call an ambulance or paramedic, have your child taken to the emergency room in the company of a staff member.
Molina Montessori requires that each child enrolled have proof of meeting the “Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Texas” It is the responsibility of the parent to keep current information including phone numbers and updated shot records in the child’s record. Failure to provide current information is grounds for suspension or termination from the program. If your child is exempt from vaccination requirements, please supply us with the necessary paperwork showing they are exempt.
If your child has any medicines that need to be administered while they are in care you must complete a Medication Authorization Form. You can ask for one from your child’s teacher or the front desk.. Any medication brought in for your child must be in the original container, be labeled with the child’s name, not be past the expiration date, be labeled with the date (if a prescription), and not be past the expiration date.
When a child is returning from surgery, the child must have a signed physicians note stating that the child may return to care.
Armpit temperature of 100.0 with or without behavior changes or signs/symptoms of illness. If the temperature reaches the above range children will not be accepted to the facility for 24 hours from the time of the temperature without a doctor’s note.
Defined as watery, runny, or mucus tinged with an increased number of stools. If the child produces diarrhea more than 2 times (different from their regular stool) Parents will have to pick up the child within 30 minutes of notification.
One or more episodes in a 24- hour period. The child should be free of vomiting for 24 hours before they may return. Parents will have to pick up the child within 30 minutes of notification.
Until 24 hours after treatment and free of visible nits.
The child will not be accepted into childcare until written medical evaluation determines that the child is no longer contagious and is able to participate in childcare activities.
Please keep students home if they are ill or showing any signs of illness. I understand the hardship for working parents, but we must think of all the other children’s health.
The doors will remain locked during the school day. During pick up and drop off time a staff member will be outside to assist children into the building. If a parent comes to the center during a time when doors are locked, they will ring the doorbell and a staff member will open the door for them. Parents will check their child in and out of care through the HiMama app. They will not leave the child until they are checked in by either a parent, guardian, or staff member. If someone different is picking up your child, they must be listed on the enrollment form and bring a valid ID to pick up. We will ask for proof of identification before releasing the child.
Our emergency preparedness plan is available at the front desk for review upon request. An emergency preparedness plan is designed to ensure the safety and well being of the children during an emergency. The plan addresses the types of emergencies that could occur in the area including but not limited to: tornados, floods, hurricanes, medical emergencies, communicable disease outbreaks, intruder with a weapon, and fires.